(Repost) Enough is Enough and I only wish we could change time..

As a wrestling fan, today is a somber day for one sad; tragic reason, the death of the late Owen Hart, a member of the famous Hart Family, which is considered wrestling royalty in Canada, especially if you watched professional wrestling in the 80s and 90s as I did. His Hall of Fame brothers career notwithstanding, Owen Hart had a career to match the pedigree he was born into.

As I type this, I’m watching the 1994 WWE King of the Ring, which, in its heyday, did so much in the careers of so many wrestlers (HHH, Stone Cold Steve Austin and Bret “The Hitman” Hart among others.) In 1994, Owen won the King of the Ring and it launched his ascent into the main event, even though he never won the WWE Title, Owen won every other title (the Tag Team Title, the Intercontinental Title, the European Title) with the talent, psychology and in his later years, the intensity to take him far. To distill his career in a single blog post would simply be an injustice to him, but suffice it to say that his body of work could speak volumes of what he could do.

That was until May 23, 1999.

From a wrestling fans perspective, this is a day that lives in infamy. During WWE’s Over the Edge pay per view, he (portraying his alter ego, the Blue Blazer) was to have been soaring through the arena like a superhero, for whatever reason, an accident occurred live and Owen crashed down over 50 feet to the ring post (all second hand info I find) and died while in the hospital.

For me, I knew nothing of this, as I always preferred to be surprised at what happened on the Pay per views, this was a time where technology wasn’t as “live” as it is now, where results were posted as they were happening. So I myself knew nothing until my older brother mentioned it to me as I went to school the following Monday morning.

It was the talk of all the wrestling fans at school and I couldn’t help but feel at a loss of what to say or feel. We mourned together, we dealt with this news together and we got stronger together, even as the scars still are there, a reminder of what lessons were learned in that day.

So this post is for you, Dear Owen, know that we the fans, miss you, we your fans love you, and we your fans will never allow you to be forgotten even when others try to dissuade us, so that your memories will help you, and us…

Shine On!!

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