Yet Another Short, but Sweet Post!!

(Writer’s Note: Although this post was written last year, the sentiments are just as fresh then as they are now, especially in the times that we’re in at the moment.

Celebrate, shine your light and, as always….

Shine On!!! La’Shana Tova to all who celebrate)

I know that this is a short post this time, but I promise that it’ll be as sweet and honey and apples..
There’s always something sweet when the New Year hits, it feels like a tabula rasa, a new day (Yes it is! Kudos for those who get the reference) a fresh start.

In other words, it’s always nice to feel that, no matter what life throws at you, there’s always a way for everyone to get a second chance.

Such is the way today for our Jewish friends as they begin to celebrate Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year.

It may not be as flashy as the New Year celebrations, but the sentiment of getting a second chance at life. But the camaraderie of having family and friends around goes as well as honey and apples, much as it does for the New Year.

So, during today and every day, let’s not take each other for granted, let’s treasure each other as God looks at us, so that I’m doing so, we can all….

Shine On!! La Shana Tova to those who celebrate!!

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