(Repost) Poetry Packed Out: One for the Teachers

This post is for those wonderfully creative and brave warriors that care about those they work with. Those heroes that live among us, yet they make an indelible impact on all of us. Those people that uplift during the weakest, the darkness points as well as the positive points of our lives.

Simply put, this post is for the teachers that impact our lives. These people are the hardest working people that I’ve had the honor to know as friends.

On a personal note, I know that impact firsthand as I know a family who is willing to help, to listen, to do everything that they can to improve their community. One of my best friends has been a teacher for over 30 years named Joe Defino, who has been the epitome of what a teacher should be and more, he’s been a coach, a mentor, a cheerleader, a husband, a father and so many other things, even the founder of a ground breaking event called Hope Rocks, which helps people with addiction of all kinds know that there is hope (the link is here: https://www.hoperocksny.com.)

For him and other wonderful teachers, I wish to share the following haiku set, which I titled, Work and Play, which not only honors and respects teachers, but also the students whose lives they daily touch, so without further ado, I unveil the following haiku:


Work and Play


-for all teachers-


Final bell peal

brings relief, sorrow in

hard work aftermath.


Teachers gather at

old playground, reminisce on

memories; old, new.


They laugh, play at what

gathered them here and how they

took heart; grew from there.


For all parents, teachers, and students who worked hard to be the success that they are, that also hung tough during the tough times (especially during this year, with all we’ve dealt with in 2020), thank you all for being hard-working, thank you for being creative in tough times, and never forget to always….


Shine On!!!

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