You Can Do Anything With Hope

I’ll be making a new episode of the Hope Cast tomorrow, Dear Readers, but I feel it important to highlight that Hope truly Rocks!

I know I’ve mentioned him before, but Joe Defino Jr is proof positive that Hope can help us dealing with the tough times in our lives. He’s helped me through those times many times before, as has his wonderful family.

In this new year, I feel as if I don’t need to stress clearer how important one day can mean to you, your family and your respective communities.

It only took one promo to make Mick Foley a star.

It took one match to make Ron Simmons a World Champion.

It took one game of Jeopardy! for Ken Jennings to make his mark.

It only took one year to change the wrestling business.

It can take one minute, one day, to change the way things could be to what they can be.

It can take an ounce of hope to change everything.

Just don’t give up, Dear Readers, stay safe, stay strong and, as always…,

Shine On!! Know that Hope Always Rocks!!

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