(Repost) The Good and The Bad

I’ve been told by friends and people that I both respect and admire that I’m a Renaissance man, that I’m the strongest person that they know, that I’m an inspiration, that I do a great job and simply, that I am a good person.

That should be enough to give me a big head, to feel as if I’m better than others, but the reality of the situation is that I find it difficult to accept the praise I get because of my depression.

I know that this is something I’ve touched upon in past blog posts, Dear Readers, but it’s something that I feel need to be addressed time and again, if for no other reason that I want my words to help others. I want them to know that they aren’t alone in their struggles. I was inspired by a great friend of mine to write this blog post and I’ll post it here for you all to check out at your leisure, for which I want to thank my friend Jonah for his video on the subject.

To be honest, I don’t always believe the good things that people say to me, mostly because I always tend to focus on the negative, the bad things, the things I lack. It’s like being on a see-saw but there’s a heavy weight on my side that doesn’t allow me to move upward. The most important thing to keep in mind is that you’re not alone, and asking for help, for support isn’t a bad thing at all, it’s in our weaknesses that show our collective strength.

This is the reason why I talk about my faith on The Autistic SuperBlog from time to time. I want to be able to empower others to confront their flaws and live so that we can all be better people and do our best to help others and….

Shine On!!!!

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