The 50th Power of the Prompt!!!

How do you balance work and home life?

Dear Readers, if this prompt came up one year earlier, I don’t know that I’d have an answer. I was always focused on earning more, to my ultimate detriment as I found out later.

Now, in contrast, I can tell you confidently that I know how to give an answer. I was able to reduce my hours at my job due to Social Security as well as my Autistic Burnout. It may seem like a small change, but in all honestly, it was the change that I needed to do.

Ever since that time, thanks to some wonderful friends of mine, I’ve been able to finally heal, I’ve been able to relearn what I’ve been pushing away for so long due to my masking.

I’ve done a better job balancing my life ever since. I’ve been saying no to others when I may have said yes before. That’s not to say that I need to work on myself more, I definitely do. With that said, my work-home balance has been so much better.

I’ve gotten more creative than I thought I could be.

I’ve been more relaxed that I thought I could be.

I’ve been thinking clearly now than I thought I could be.

My life in general is much better than I thought it could be. All from one small change, if that’s not a true game changer, then I honestly don’t know what qualifies.

Until next post on this 50th (!) Power of the Prompt, please stay safe, stay strong and, as always….

Shine On!!!

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