(Repost) GRASPing at Hope Through Autistic Eyes!!

Well, dear readers, I have some great news to report to you all, my first book is finally getting back on track, all going to a fantastic cause. The cause in question is the Global and Regional Asperger’s Syndrome Partnership, or GRASP for short. 

But first, there’s a confession I need to make, I’m with GRASP, as their Board Outreach Coordinator, it’s a recent responsibility that I was asked to undertake. Those who know me know that I take my responsibilities seriously, so I’m honored to be a part of this wonderful organization. To be clear, the following post comes from GRASP, but I’m reposting their post to help the cause, so please check out the following link. 

I know from firsthand experience how important GRASP’s impact on the autistic community, so I’m very happy that I can let this out to you, my readers, so please support this cause by donating for a copy of my first book, Through Autistic Eyes, and as always….


Shine On!! 


We are excited to announce long time Autism Community member and self-advocate, Brian J. Liston, to GRASP’s Board of Directors as Board Outreach Coordinator. In 2016, Brian was recognized by GRASP with a certificate of achievement for his contributions to the Autism Community. He has recently published his first poetry book and we are proud to offer them to our community!

Brian states, “I have been called an honest poet by many fellow poets and the friends that I’ve made. I must say that I’m flattered when they say that. For me, constructing this book, as well as writing poetry in general, is a labor of love. The love which I feel is a stark contrast to those people who have told me that my dream to be an author was just that- a dream. However, so many people encourage me to keep writing, reading, and going to poetry readings.”

Brian’s poetry has been featured in the Chronogram, the Post Star, and Poughkeepsie’s The Awakening. His poem “Autistic Superkid” was recently features in Riverine: An Anthology of Hudson Valley Writers.

Brian has generously donated proceeds of the book sales to GRASP to provide much needed services, support, and resources to our Autism Community! Please visit http://paypal.me/GRASPorg to purchase a copy for $12, which includes shipping.  Please be sure to include your address. Thank you for your support!

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