(Repost) Warning!! This Post Might Still Be Overwhelming

Let’s face facts, Dear Readers, social interactions can be tough, to say the very least. At best, you try to keep up with Neurotypicals so that they know that nothings wrong. At worse, understandings occur and things happen that could’ve been avoided, leading to things that can’t be taken back. Trust me, I’ve heard my share of stories that span the entire social spectrum.

If nothing else, NT’s should understand that we’re all trying to accommodate them, all at times while they talk about thing that we may not know about, or even want to know about. I’m reminded of a video that the late comic George Carlin did before his passing, which I’ll share here, that stresses the point better than I could.

Regardless of the sacrilegious nature of part of the act, the point that I’m making is that people have a way of being overwhelming, socially speaking. The worse part of that is that is when it’s only one person talking, imagine many people talking all at one time. Maybe, you don’t need to imagine, as Zoom (with the video delays) proved many times over I’m sure.

It happens to me, both on Zoom as well as real life and the feelings of being overwhelmed are real, the feelings of crosstalk, of being spoken over, of having your voice being drowned is prevalent, not only to me but I’m sure others like me, Spectrumites or not.

We’re not asking for much, but we’re asking for understanding, for a place at the social table, and for our voices to be respected and heard. That said, when things get overwhelming for us, we ask for space, we ask for time for us to respond and we ask for boundaries. Only then an we be respected as people so we can all….

Shine On!!!!

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