(Repost) Poetry Packed Out: Love Always Stands Strong

I know, Dear Readers, that I said that I’d give a break to Poetry Packed Out, but this poem which I recorded to SoundCloud was too special to ignore. 

The reason for this poem is because I wrote it for my brother’s wedding to my Sister-in-law. I felt that, as much as siblings will tease each other (and in fairness, I’ve done my share) this occasion was too special to not take seriously. 

During the rehearsal dinner, I was asked by a cousin to see if I could write a poem for the occasion. I scribbled down some notes on a piece of paper (or maybe a napkin) and, as I later told her, I’d “let these ideas simmer.”

The result was evident in the following poem, so I really hope that you all enjoy, never give up on love, and, as always….

Shine On!!

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