(Repost) From Minor to Major: Misspelling Mishaps

In all honesty, not a lot of things bug me in life, even though I readily admit that I’m an emotional person by nature. As my friends will attest to, I’ll proudly stand by them in times of distress because I know they’d do the same for me.

One thing that really gets me is people who misspell things, even if it’s a small thing, it really bugs me. Effort helps, but when I know things are misspelled, it makes me ask the person who misspelled the word what they were thinking. I don’t tell others my concerns since that’s my usual thing to do, but there are words that are so simple to know how to spell that to misspell that word is annoying to me, to be frank about it.

And that’s just the misspelled words, my annoyance also goes to those who use contractions and think that they are one word (to be clear: all contractions are two words!!) It’s like every word is written for speed rather than accuracy and, for someone who like an attention to detail, it annoys me so much.

I can’t help being annoyed by things like this, but I admit that it’s one of my many quirks, which as a Spectrumite, can be annoying if I see too many of them, it’s overwhelming at times and I go into overload.

Perhaps it’s a case of me bordering on being a perfectionist but this has been bothering me for a while and I feel great to get it out to you, my readers, since I feel that you accept me for the person I am, even with my flaws and quirks.

For this understanding, I thank you but also want to challenge you to be a friend to someone you think can be difficult to deal with. Only by understanding and accepting people for whom they are can we make the world a better place and really help each other….

Shine On!!!

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