The Power of the Prompt: Question 32

How are you creative?

Dear Readers, this is one prompt that wasn’t so challenging for me, but one that I’m very happy to answer.

I like to think of myself as a very creative Autistic, me being a poet, videographer and chef, all in one. Although I’m a novice when it comes to being a chef and videographer, I like to say that I’m a poet.

As a matter of fact, I only recorded my poems as a way to get my work out during The Year that Wasn’t, when getting that “live studio audience” feel was sparse at best.

The crowd at an open mic excites and electrifies me, if I’m an addict because of that, then I’m an addict, but if you’re a fellow poet or an artist, you know the feeling of people reacting to your work.

With that being said, I guess I’m also a perfectionist, I want everything I do to be to the best of my abilities. It’s probably why I haven’t done many trips to the SuperBistro, but I hope to change that soon, maybe as soon as next year.

So, am I creative, absolutely, but I also know that I have a long way to go still and that sounds perfect for next year, right?

Until next post, Dear Readers, please stay strong, stay safe and, as always…..

Shine On!!!

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