(Updated) A Tale of One Book

Greetings from the Spectrumite Side!!

Ever since I last posted, there has been a lot happening in my life, my first book, Through Autistic Eyes, has been published via an online book publishing company (Blurb.com) thanks to a great friend of mine. The book has made me feel so many words: excited, nervous, concerned, proud, worried, but there was one word that can sum up my feelings more than anything…


The context of this story needs to be told in order to appreciate my feelings. Through Autistic Eyes has been a project that seemed to be instantaneous, but in reality took me and my friend eight years (or more) to complete.

It all started in my first featured reading in the year 2000 in Woodstock’s Colony Cafe. The host asked me if I had books to sell, to which I sheepishly said that I didn’t, that was when my friend offered to help me make that dream a reality. We had a set plan when we first started in a small cafe in Upstate New York, but there were curveballs that set us both back a long time before the book became a reality, I won’t dwell on them because honestly there were so many setbacks for both of us, suffice it to say that it took patience, courage and a little growing up on my part to make the dream a reality. Now, I’m proud to be a published poet and it feels so incredible to say that and know that dreams can come true!!

If you want to order the book, I’ve included the link to the book below, the proceeds of which go to the Global and Regional Asperger’s Syndrome Partnership (of which I’m also a Board Member.) I only hope that my story and success can help us all reach our individual potential and help us all…

Shine On!!

FYI: Through Autistic Eyes info: “Through Autistic Eyes” Continues to Shine – GRASP

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