Poetry Packed Out: Proud to Be A Poet

No audio recording of my latest poem, sad to say, Dear Readers, (I promise there is a good reason for that, the size of SoundCloud mostly) but this cinquain, Artists, means so much to me.

Not just myself as an Autistic Individual, not just myself as a self advocate, but more importantly, myself as a poet.

My late adopted Mom Carol Zaloom, God Rest her soul, and I chatted on social media and it’s one of the things I miss about her. After a recent Saugerties Artists Studio Tour, she thanked everyone for coming to her studio along with her poet, “The Poetic Godfather of the Hudson Valley” Mikhail Horowitz, finishing it with gratitude for “those whom get us.”

I messaged her and asked if I was one of the people whom get them, she told me I was (“Absolutely” were her exact words.) When I asked her how so, she said that I’m an open mind, one of us and most importantly, a poet and an artist.

I only hope I live up to the measures of an artist and a poet. I sometimes doubt if I do or not.

Enter the wonderful people from ShoutOut Saugerties (the link for them is here: https://www.shoutoutsaugerties.org/) and Will Nixon, whom asked for poems for display inside Saugerties’ businesses. I always welcome the opportunity to share my poems on The Autistic SuperBlog and in the community.

When people call me a poet, I always feel touched, honored and humbled. I wear it like a badge of honor, more so now with the result of my Autistic Burnout, one of those poems is here: https://theautisticsuperblog.wordpress.com/2023/02/22/poetry-packed-out-rebounding/

Now, for the main event, the cinquain known as Artists:


Shape, change
Think, create, write
Whirlwind of thoughts, words

Again, Dear Readers, I only hope that I do justice to those who’ve passed on, to be the artist I should be. I only hope I do my best in that regard.

Until next post, Dear Readers, please stay safe, stay strong and, as always…..

Shine On!!!

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