The Power of the Prompt: Question 19

On what subject(s) are you an authority?

This prompt, Dear Readers, is a tough one for me, mostly because I don’t consider myself an authority on much. That being said, if I consider my hobbies something I’m an authority of, then I guess that this prompt becomes easier.

So, here’s my answer to the prompt in question.

I like to consider myself an authority when it comes to being Autistic (or #ActuallyAutistic), obviously. When I write about my experiences, I tell it using my words, my feelings and my emotions.

I like to consider myself an authority on game shows, using my game show lingo to explain things easily to others, even my best friends. That lingo is my quirkiness, I guess, but it makes sense to me.

I also like to consider myself an authority (albeit minor compared to others) in poetry. Again, I feel that my authority is minor compared to others, but I like to think of myself to be an authority on poetry. I always feel bad when I get a question wrong on poetry on Jeopardy! It makes me feel so dumb to get something wrong on something I enjoy.

That being said, I do my best to be as best an authentic authority on my hobbies, despite knowing that there are others better than I am.

So, with another prompt done, that’s all I can say, so until next post, stay safe, stay strong and as always…

Shine On!!

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