The Power of The Prompt: Question 49

What makes you nervous?

As an Autistic individual, Dear Readers, I can say this without shame, there’s a lot that can make me nervous.

Disappointing others makes me nervous.

Going off my internal script can make me nervous at times, because I never plan for it.

Not learning hard concepts makes me nervous.

Animals can make me nervous for some reason.

New experiences can make me nervous.

Crosstalk, or people and noises blending over each other, can make me nervous.

Styrofoam really makes me nervous, it’s a touch thing.

This may be due to the fact that I have anxiety. Maybe it’s due to the fact that I always want things that I do to be perfect.

It puts a lot of pressure on me, to be honest, which also causes me to be nervous.

So, I guess that’s what makes me nervous, Dear Readers, I hope that I can move past these things and be less anxious over time.

Until next post, Dear Readers, stay safe, stay strong and, as always….

Shine On!!

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